Saturday, January 9, 2010

Lines I've Heard from People Who'll Get Married

Everyone has his or her reasons for getting married. I’ve had some opportunity hearing them from my friends.

He says:

1. She swept me off my feet” (like duh!) – You’ll often hear this line from a drifter type of guy, one who moves from a relationship to another relationship and then finally finds “the one”, according to him.

2. It took me nine hours to know that our soul ties…” (A bit new agey but romantic) – I’ve heard this from a very spiritual friend. When this guy speaks, you would know that he is indeed speaking from the soul.

3. I’ve got to be true to my word when I said I’d marry her!” (Talk about chivalry in these modern times) – I’ve heard this from a buddy friend a few days before he got married. This friend is a “chickboy” type of guy but he can also be serious when needed. Friends say that he is a husband material type.

4. “I simply fell in love.” This guy also said “… but I’ve realized I have to fall in love many times with the same woman for the marriage to succeed.”

5. I love her so much that I cannot think of any other person to spend the rest of my life with but her.” – It’s either this guy believes in destiny or soul mates or he really is so into his girl.

6. All the rules of logic don’t apply.” (Who needs logic when you’re madly deeply in love?) – This guy is the type who simply loves with all his heart and nothing else. He sees, hears, and feels nothing but love. He must have read Oriah Mountain Dreamer’s poem The Invitation.

7. “I didn’t ask for her to come into my life, she just landed on my doorstep.” (Cool!) – Is it fate or is she an awesome package delivered from the high heavens?

8. “It’s simply magic, I just fell in love with her.” (A believer of the word spark!) – Some guys still do believe in magic like little boys do.

9. She’s the one.”Well, this may be the title of Robbie Williams' song but this is also one of the much used lines by many men out there.

10. “In her, I saw eternity.” – Imagine what can love make you see… Perhaps, that is the beauty of love, it can make you see the unseen.

She says:

1. “I’ve prayed for this guy to be my husband.” (Cheesy!) – You know how girls can be so religious in the name of love. I’d say Vonda Shephard’s song I Know Him by Heart is perfect for this girl.

2. You’ll just know that he is the one for you.” – It’s like Cinderella finding the glass shoe that fits her. The good part in this is that you don’t just settle for second bests. You don’t get shoes which are half size smaller or half size bigger, you get to choose the one that fits you well and the one you’re comfortable with. After all, husbands live longer than shoes so better choose the one that fits you well.

3. He’s been my best friend, my teacher, my lover, my partner, my soul mate, what else can I ask for?” (Girl, it’s really all up to you!) – It’s nice to have all these in one package, right? Labels, labels, labels… What’s with the labels? Wouldn’t it be nicer if we can just look beyond the forms and the labels? If we can only see that beyond our loved one is our ideal healing partner as well.

4. “Our astrological signs are perfect.” – Some still do rely on their stars in finding their partners in life.

5. “He is my one great love.” (Romantic type, huh?) – You’ll hear this line from a serious and romantic type of girl.

6. There’s a fat chance that we’re meant to be together, I can’t afford to let that chance pass by.” (Another believer of destiny!)

I remember hearing this line from the Korean film Sassy Girl, “Destiny is building the bridge to your loved one”. I don’t believe that there is such a thing as destiny but you can work on your destiny. You can choose the life that you want and how you wish to experience it or shall I say, you can choose the one whom you get to spend your life with.

You don’t make the relationship or the marriage perfect, it perfects you. It perfects your soul.

Whatever reasons you may have for getting married, I hope it can be simplified into this four-letter word -- L-O-V-E.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Some Songs in My Life at the Moment

I have downloaded a few nice songs that I do consider my favorite these days. I’ve got seven versions of Moon River (that of Audrey Hepburn, Sarah Brightman, Henry Mancini, etc.), two versions of An Affair to Remember (Nat King Cole, The Philippine Madrigal Singers), Tori Amos’ 1000 Oceans and the greatest song that I’ve ever heard, No Other Love (Chopin).

I’ve grown to love these songs since I was a little girl even if I do not know the lyrics then, I just know the melody and hummed it. Perhaps it’s the singer and the old soul in me that made me fall in love with these songs.

I remember telling someone that when I grow old, I’m gonna tell my children and perhaps my children’s children about this guy whom I considered my one great love. When I told him this, it was a spontaneous thought, I just said it the way I’ve honestly felt it that time.

I believe, each one of us has our own love stories to tell and songs that go with them. That each of us had at one point our lives fell in love, loved, was loved and became love itself in the process.

Love, like songs do not vanish, though they sometimes fade away… and may even go out of tune… they do not end… they just evolve. Our life unfolds like a beautiful love song, it is definitely worth singing, perhaps be danced upon…. It is a love song worth remembering.

Songs need not be sung perfectly. The nicest melodies are the ones that come from the soul. A perfect song is one that crosses the boundaries of time and a lot of other limitations of this world.

There are no rules on how you choose to sing your songs, on how you wish to experience life. Simply sing it from your soul and dance according to your heart’s desire.

A love song may be a sad song or a happy song. It simply depends on how you wish to see it.

My Version of Bucket List

The film The Bucket List that starred Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman inspired me. It is a story about two old cancer stricken men – one who has a family (Freeman) who worked all his life for his family and the other (Nicholson) is a rich guy who owns a hospital but who lived alone and who comes with his handy assistant guy. The two became roommates in the hospital when they were both confined for chemotherapy. It was not long when the two became friends and eventually went out of the hospital to pursue the bucket list that Freeman wrote. This bucket list is a list of the things that he wants to accomplish before he dies. Nicholson, having the financial means, offered to go with Freeman. They went to different places and did daredevil things that you would not imagine two cancer patients would do.

Anyways, I would not wait to be sick and eventually meet a rich friend who can be with me to pursue my bucket list. My bucket list got no rules, whatever goes in my heart, I’ll write. My list may range from serious to crazy stuff. Here is my bucket list:

1. Write letters or short notes to all the people in my life – my family, friends, workmates and even those whom I’ve met briefly. Well, partly I was able to do that through my recent blogs (Friends – I Don’t Have Much but the Ones I’ve Got are More than Treasures).

2. Give blessings to every soul I meet. When you give blessings to every people you meet along the way, you acknowledge their presence and the thought that they are in your life (or you have called them in your life) for some of the simplest or the most important lessons that you have to undergo. Giving blessings need not be verbal, it can be given in silence.

3. Forgive. By forgiving, it doesn’t mean that you see someone has committed a sin or has done you wrong. You do not see yourself having committed a sin or has done someone wrong. It simply means letting go and releasing. You simply do not hold on. Forgiving is letting go, letting be, without judgment. It is seeing beyond the form.

4. I’ll have my last tattoo piece or pieces.

5. I’ll write, direct and produce my dream film. It need not be shown in a big theater and be seen my many. I’ll be simply happy if this dream will be realized. I feel this film will be something that speaks of the soul.

6. I’ll email Johnny Depp, my favorite actor. Or if I do change my mind, perhaps I’ll email James Blunt the singer / songwriter.

7. I’ll leave my family the design of my tomb and what shall be written on it. Actually, I’ve pin tucked a magazine clipping of an angel sculpture in my locker at home years ago. Mind you, it is still safely tucked there. It would be a bonus if there will be a nice cat statue beside the li’l angel.

8. I’ll have a nice suntan.

9. I’ll have a small exhibit of my artworks open to all my friends and those who want to know my soul.

10. I’ll go bunjee jumping.

11. I’ll try to see and listen with the soul. I used to say that I think first before I feel (typical of a Gemini), I’d say I’m more of a thinker than a “feeler” then. Now I am learning to see, feel and listen from the soul.

12. To keep in mind that I have all the freedom to be who I want to be (that is to define who I am, how I choose life to be) but I do not have the freedom to control how I want others to be (or how they choose to experience life). I’ve read somewhere that “Masters give themselves the freedom to make any choice they wish – and give those they love the same freedom.”

13. To try to keep up with Simple Abundance. To live in the knowledge that what I’ve got is all that I need and what I do not have, I do not need. That all is perfect and is in its divine order.

14. To try to continue writing. If possible, to try to help others in their healing through my writings and in the process, heal myself as well. We are all born healers.

15. To be where I need to be and not have doubts about it.

16. Love and be nothing but love. Yup, you got it right, I’ll be LOVE and nothing but LOVE ‘cause I am love like you and everyone else. Love is the truth of our being.

17. I’ll buy an antic treasure chest where I’ll keep all the books that I’ve read. Sounds a bit eerie but I know in time, these books will find the next person who’s meant to read them and be with them.

18. Learn to play the guitar and I mean really play it.

19. Try to sing again… I haven’t sung a song since my mom passed away.

20. Use my name Eira for one whole day… Eira is my soul name. That’s why when I write, I sign it with Eira. That means I’m writing from the soul.

Like the characters of Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, they did not care of their sickness, if they are gonna die tomorrow, they simply lived the moment. They lived in the now. I just wish everyone will find time to live the moment and not be bothered by anything at all, be it sickness, financial status or life’s low moments. After all, you just have to recognize that all you have asked or prayed for is already given to you. Or shall I say, it’s been with you all along. It’s a matter of finding it within you.