Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Love & Light

That is the usual wish or blessings that I send out to people whenever I would email or send out text messages these days....

I've realized that whatever you tell or send out to others, you are telling or sending it out to yourself as well. If you curse others, you are definitely cursing yourself. They are indeed your reflections.

I will not say or claim that I do not in any way hate some people... in fact I've got one character in "my story" that seems to be the most one that I hate since I was a kid. I even told people who are close to me, that I'll just let "the guy up there" judge her. Can't seem to forget the illness that she caused us @ one point in our lives. As I've said, she's just a character in my story... I can always decide to erase or delete her... though she still pops out at times. She used to be a trigger on me but now I only see her as a character, perhaps, a bit player, not even an acting extra (as we refer to them in the tv commercial production /films.)

If you send out love to others, you are sending it out to yourself. So why not start practicing sending out love & forgiveness to others. It doesn't even have to be verbal. The mere thought that you are thinking about it, is a big step. Practice makes perfect.

Lesser load or baggages if you've got love & forgiveness within you most of your time.

Love and light to you all!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh yeah, we should do ourselves a favor! Love and be loved, forgive and be forgiven. Truly practice makes perfect. A burden-free life is definitely a bonus we can choose to have. Blessings to you! =)
